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Professional Societies


Savell, K., Gallus, N., Song, E., Simon, R., Osborn, M.K., Brown, J., O’Malley, J., Sweatt, D., Day, J. (2014, November). Extra-coding RNAS regulate neuronal DNA methylation and memory formation. Molecular and Cellular Cognition Society, Washington, D.C.


McCoy, V.A., Zayac, R.M., Carrasco, G., Osborn, M.K., Paulk, A. (2013, November). How religion affects children’s preference between themes of forgiveness and retribution in children’s literature. Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, Boston, MA.


Osborn, M. K., McLain, V. A., Richardson, J. L., Tate, B. S., Hudiburg, R. A., & Bates, L. W. (2012, November). Influence of religion on hiking trail ethics and trail photography. Society for the Scientific Study of Religion Conference, Phoenix, AZ.


Sheehy, A. M., McLain, V. A., Osborn, M. K., Green, S. M., McCrary, H. L., Bates, L. W., & Hudiburg, R. A. (2012, November). The effects of subliminal taboo images on cleaning product ratings among religious fundamentalists. Society for the Scientific Study of Religion Conference, Phoenix, AZ.


Regional Scientific Conferences


E. E. Burgess, M.D.  Sylvester, M.K. Osborn, F. Amthor, S. Mrug, & M.M. Boggiano. (2016, April) The Effect of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) on Binge Eating Disorder. The University of Alabama at Birmingham Psychology Ost Research Competition, Birmingham, AL.


Osborn, M.K., Burgess, E.E., Wenger, L., Amthor, F., Sylvester, M., Morse, K., Hambey, K., Boggiano, M.M. (2015, October). The Effects of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) on Binge Eating Disorder and Future Directions. The University of Alabama at Birmingham Graduate Research Exchange, Birmingham, AL.


Burgess, E.E., Osborn, M.K., Wenger, L., Amthor, F., Sylvester, M., Morse, K., Hambey, K., Boggiano, M.M. (2015, June). The effect of transcranial direct current stimulation on binge eating disorder. Inaugural NEURAL Conference, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL.


Hudiburg, R. A., Osborn, M. K., Pennington, B. C., & Bates, L. W. (2013, March). Measuring trail ethics behaviors: Relationship to environmental ethics and religion. Alabama Academy of Sciences Conference, Birmingham, AL.


Osborn, M. K., McLain, V. A., Hudiburg, R. A., & Bates, L. W. (2012, February). Does religion influence hiking trail ethics?  Alabama Academy of Sciences Conference, Tuskegee, AL.

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